A trip to Dombay: what to do there in the summer. Dombai is a ski resort. Description, location and reviews of tourists Dombay vacation spots

Nature has awarded Dombay with unique sights: mountains, lakes, glaciers, grottoes, forests. Every year, the unique natural monuments of the resort attract thousands of tourists from all over Russia and the world. There really is something to see and admire here.

Alibek glacier

One of the most popular attractions of the resort is the Alibek glacier. This is the only accessible glacier of the Teberdinsky Reserve, which descends into a dense forest zone. And even in the hot summer on the glacier is a real winter! Almost anyone can climb the glacier, but be patient, as the journey will take about 7 hours. But it's worth it.

Regular tourists of the resort say that those who have not been to Alibek do not know what Dombay is. By car, you can drive along the road to the climbing base "Alibek", and then move along the forest path that goes to the Uzun-Tala glade. It is there that a picturesque view of the glacier and majestic mountains opens.

Mount Belalakaya

Above the Dombay glade rises the "visiting card" of the resort - Mount Belalakaya or "Striped Rock". The attraction is known for the fact that white belts of quartz cut through the rocks, the width of which is about 50 meters. The name of the peculiar mountain comes from several words: “beli” - a belt, “ala” - motley, “kaya” - a rock. The height of the mountain is 3861 meters. The uniqueness of this place is that several thousand years ago there was a plain here, and mountain formations appeared thanks to gigantic forces that raised a section of the earth's crust from the depths of the bowels. The mountain is popular among both geologists and tourists. And the image of pride Dombay flaunts on the label "Aque Minerale".

Ridge Semenov-Bashi

The Semenov-Bashi Ridge, thanks to the dome-shaped protrusion of its eastern part, is an easily accessible panoramic point, from where a beautiful view of the Dombai-Ulgen river valley, the Main Ridge, the Amanauz and Teberda valleys and the Dombai glade opens. Amazed by their majesty and splendor Dombay mountains. Like a beautiful queen, she greets the guests of Balalakaya. The complex of Dzhuguturlyuchat peaks put up for everyone to see its ideally correct Peak Ine. You can see Mount Sufruju in the distance, about which Eleonora Brezovskaya wrote a fascinating story.

Dombay glade

Dombayskaya Polyana is located in the southern part of the Teberdinsky Reserve, in the upper reaches of the Teberda valley.

At the confluence of the rivers Dombay-Ulgen, Amanauz and Alibek, there are several beautiful glades that gave the name to the whole area. Panoramas of peaks and glaciers of exceptional beauty open up from the glade, attracting tourists here as well.

Currently, a whole tourist complex is operating on the glade, consisting of hotel infrastructure facilities, places. There are 3 lines of the new complex of cable cars, 5 lines of the old chairlift, a network of drag and tow roads (200 - 600 meters long).

Moussa-Achitara Ridge

The Mussa-Achitara Ridge is a magnificent observation platform, from where a gorgeous view of the peaks and glaciers of the Main Range, the Teberda and Gonachkhir valleys and the mighty Elbrus opens.

Cemetery of climbers - a memorable place in Dombai

The Alpinists Memorial Cemetery is a memorable place in Dombai. The conquerors of peaks in the post-war period are buried here. On the monuments you can see tablets with the following dates: 70s, 80s, 1995, 2000, 2003 ... Someone admires the courage and heroism of the fallen climbers, and someone asks the question: “Why did they go to the mountains?” . It is not difficult to get to the cemetery: from the main paved road of Dombai to a dead end, and then along a country road.

Teberdinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve

To date, the reserve is one of the most visited in the system of protected natural areas in Russia.

Teberdinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve It is located in the Western Caucasus, in the basin of the Teberda River, a tributary of the Kuban, and is administratively part of the Karachay District of the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. The territory of the reserve (total area - 69,535 hectares) spreads along the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range and its side spurs; it occupies the entire region of the upper reaches of the Teberda River and its tributaries south of the Epchik-Dzhemagat and Muhu rivers and is bounded by high rocky ridges.

This is not surprising, since there are many amazing and beautiful places on its territory. The rivers Teberda and Gonachkhir carry their waters through the reserve, numerous moraine and tarn lakes enliven the mountains. It takes your breath away from the grace and, at the same time, the power of the Amanauz, Alibek and Ptysh glaciers. Dense deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests, vast bright subalpine and alpine meadows, many rare plants, flowers and animals attract more than 100 thousand tourists annually.

The state took under special protection this corner of the North Caucasus, outstanding in its natural resources and beauty. Each visitor to the reserve is obliged to take care of its wonderful nature in order to preserve it in all its splendor and integrity.

Amanauz Gorge or Devil's Mill

Gorge "Devil's Mill" or Amanauz refers to an open museum, which is famous for its waterfalls and canyons. “Aman auz” from Karachay means “evil mouth”. This place is called “gloomy”, as the slope of Belalakai and the peak of the Theater narrow the beginning of the gorge very much. The sun practically does not get here, and sometimes snow bridges do not melt over the Amanauz River even in summer. The gloominess is conveyed by rains and fogs, which later come to the Dombay glade. And since the observation deck here is small, you should be extremely careful: the cliff is located directly above the gorge.

Turie lake

The fabulously turquoise lake got its name because when there are no people around, tours descend to it for a drink. The lake acquired an unusual color due to the low water temperature - no higher than +3 degrees. Even in summer, the lake is covered with ice, as it is located between the Bilingual and Alibek glaciers. The origin of the lake is moraine. The excursion to the extraordinary place lasts about 8 hours. The main route passes through alpine meadows, through the climbers' cemetery and the Alibek camp. It should be noted that you should not take risks and head to the lake without a guide, as it is very easy to get lost.

Azgek lakes

The Azgek lakes are located in the basin of the Azgek rivers, the right tributary of the Muhu River. In autumn and on cloudy days, the area leaves an impression of gloomy and harsh, while in summer, especially on a sunny day, soft colors and outlines come to the fore here.

Murudzha and Baduk lakes

Murudzha lakes are a unique natural heritage of Dombay, their beauty will not leave indifferent any tourist. They are located in the valley of the Ullu-Muruju river. The most famous among them are Blue and Black lakes.

Baduk lakes - a group of mountain lakes located in the middle reaches of the Baduk River, a tributary of the Khadzhibey River. These lakes, as well as the Baduk and Khadzhibey valleys themselves, are rightly considered one of the picturesque places in the reserve.

Alibek waterfall

In the mountains of Teberda there are many waterfalls: Chuchkhursky, Ptyshsky, Sofrudzhinsky, Alibeksky, Shupka.

The largest and most spectacular Dombay waterfall is considered Alibek waterfall. Its raging stream flows down from a height of 25 meters. But the road to it does not take much time. The first part of the path passes through a picturesque fir forest, and this section can be walked or driven by car. In winter, avalanches often descend here, and in June you can see their remnants. Heading towards the waterfall, tourists can also enjoy the beautiful views of alpine meadows and birch crooked forests.

Useful information:

Mountain taxi, excursions in Dobay
Teberda: Jamagat gorge (narzan springs), Mukhinskoe gorge (Azgek lakes), Baduk lakes, Teberda reserve, Shumka waterfall.
: Alibek gorge (waterfall, Turye lake, glacier), Amanauz gorge (Devil's mill canyon, waterfall, glacier), Dombay-Elgen gorge.
Gonachkhir (Trout Lake), Russian glade, Chuchkhur waterfalls, Maiden's braids waterfall, Ptyshsky glacier, Maiden's tears waterfall. As well as trips to Cherkessk, Pyatigorsk and Mineralnye Vody.
Phone: 8-928-380-10-61; 8-988-716-29-85.

Sights of Dombay. The most important and interesting sights of Dombai - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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Not only skiers come to Dombay, but also connoisseurs of unique landscapes. Nature has given these places wonderful sights hidden among the gloomy ridges, glaciers and forests of the region. On the south side, the Main Caucasian Range adjoins Dombay, and three large gorges, Dombay-Ulgen, Amanauz and Alibek, form the famous Dombay Glade at the southern tip of the Teberdinsky Reserve. Popular excursion routes to the most picturesque places of the resort begin from it. It is more convenient and safer to walk along them as part of excursion groups, since almost all travel agencies, not only the resort, but also many cities of the Stavropol Territory, sell vouchers.

Alibek Glacier

Perhaps the most popular attraction in Dombay is the Alibek Glacier. He is alone in the Teberdinsky Reserve, whose tongue reaches the dense forest zone. Even in summer there is a full-fledged winter here. Experienced travelers believe that those who have not seen Alibek have not been to Dombai either. To get to the glacier, you need to get by car to the tourist center "Alibek" (off. site), and then climb the forest paths to the Uzun-Tala glade. From it, a “classic” landscape with a glacier and mountains appears before your eyes. GPS coordinates: 43.291718, 41.549767.

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Mount Belalakaya and Semyonov-Bashi Ridge

Dombay glade is adjacent to the symbol of the region - Mount Belalakaya, also known as the "Striped Rock" (GPS coordinates: 43.264759, 41.583184). She got such a name because of the 50 m wide white “belts” of quartz cutting through the rocks. It is hard to believe that for only a few thousand years there was an absolutely flat plain on the site of a mountain with a height of 3861 m. Therefore, Belalakaya is popular not only among hikers, but also among geologists. Also next to the Dombai glade is another natural attraction - the Semenov-Bashi ridge (GPS coordinates: 43.321234, 41.608015). In its eastern part there is a domed ledge, from where a bewitching panorama of the valleys of mountain rivers, the Main Range and, of course, the heart of this region - the Dombay meadow opens.

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This spacious, relatively flat area is located in the south of the Teberdinsky Reserve at the confluence of the Amanauz, Dombay-Ulgen and Alibek rivers. Now a large tourist cluster with hotels and après skis has been opened in the meadow. Skiers ride on the slopes of Moussa-Achitara (3012 m). The ski area is organized at an altitude of 1630-3012 m, and in total the slopes stretch for 20 km.

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This protected area is located on the northern slope and side spurs of the Main Caucasian Range near the headwaters of the Teberda and its tributaries (off. site). The reserve is one of the most popular reserves in Russia. No wonder, because the beauty of this region is legendary. It is in the valleys washed by the swift waters of Teberda and Gonachkhir, and in the pines on the shores of numerous tarns and moraine lakes. True, we must remember that all these treasures are hidden among hard-to-reach forests and vast meadows.

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Gorge Amanauz

The Amanauz Gorge is a real open-air museum. It cuts into the thickness of the Dividing Caucasus Range, as if “flowing out” of the Dombay glade. In the Karachai language "Aman auz" means "evil mouth". And the name that speaks is the narrowest gorge of Dombay and therefore very gloomy: the sun looks here only from time to time, rains and fogs are not uncommon. In the gorge there is a picturesque waterfall Devil's Mill. The excursion to Amanauz usually takes half a day.

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One of the most popular ski centers in the Caucasus, Dombay is good for both pros and beginners: everyone will find suitable slopes there. The resort is very compact: all the hotels are located on the Dombay glade and are located in close proximity to the ski lifts, you can walk from one end of the village to the other in 20 minutes. The ski season lasts from December to May.

Dombay is located at an altitude of 1650 m in the meadow of the same name near the confluence of several rivers. The local beautiful places began to attract tourists here in the first half of the 20th century: the first camp site appeared on Dombay in 1921. Before that, Dombay was a very modest settlement, and then it remained so for quite a long time. But after the collapse of the Union, the tourist infrastructure of the resort experienced a powerful leap, and today more than a sufficient number of hotels and recreation centers are waiting for sports fans on Dombay.

The resort hosted international freestyle World Cup competitions, all-Russian competitions in slalom, giant slalom and snowboarding. There is also a real expanse for paragliders: several times a year, competitions of the highest level in this sport are held.

How to get to Dombay

The most convenient way to fly to Dombay is through Mineralnye Vody Airport. The optimal railway route passes through Nevinnomyssk. But regardless of the method of travel, the last 180-200 km from the airport or railway station will have to be taken by public transport with transfers or by taxi. The only way to get to the resort without transfers is to go by car.

Read more about how to get to the resort.

Search for flights to the city of Sochi (nearest airport to Dombay)

Dombay Hotels

Dombay develops, rebuilds and grows, so the hotels in the resort are for every taste and budget. What is nice, a lot of old buildings have been reconstructed, some hoteliers have even been certified, having received a pleasant 3-4 * status. Enough in Dombai and cozy mini-hotels, where only 10-20 rooms. In the private sector, apartments are actively rented - this is perhaps the most economical option for large companies. However, despite the apparent abundance, during the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as on March 8, there are practically no places - everything is booked in advance.

The cost of accommodation strongly depends on the season - on New Year's Eve it is unlikely to find a room cheaper than 3000 RUB, but at the beginning and end of the skiing period you can stay within 1500 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Families with small children should pay attention to the Snezhny Leopard Hotel - there is a games room there.

Alpine skiing in Dombai

Fortunately for skiers who appreciate not only the style of their suit and an exquisite mug for mulled wine, Dombay has recently been developing at a Stakhanovite pace. This place is not as gingerbread as the alpine villages - the beauty of the local mountains is rather wild, powerful, somewhat frightening. But on the other hand, the prices are not as high as the peaks of the Alps, but the conditions for skiing seem to be equal very soon. In recent years, a lot of hotels have been built here, a new and modern line of lifts has been opened, excellent equipment has been “caught up”, and a competent team of instructors and rescuers has been recruited. Of course, in terms of infrastructure, Dombai is still far from Courchevel, but give it a couple of years, and we will not recognize it.

Dombai tracks

The descent from the top of the Mussa-Achitara ridge (3012 m) - the main skiing area in Dombay - can be done on a dozen options for trails of varying degrees of steepness, complexity and speed. Accordingly, the skiing area here is located at quite impressive heights: 1630-3012 m, and the total length of the tracks reaches 20 km. There are both red sections for the pros, and a lot of gentle slopes for the "dummies".

Most of the slopes provide comfortable skiing: moderate slope, smooth terrain, few hillocks. All the descents end in a large gentle meadow, where you should be careful: sledges frolic here, beginners and children learn to get on skis and boards, skiers who have barely descended from the slope sit and chat.

Experienced athletes who love risk can be advised not to ride slopes. Tourists, together with an instructor, are delivered by helicopter to the top of the slope, and after the descent they are taken away (“heli-ski”, from the English helicopter - “helicopter”). A total of 6 such routes have been developed. This pleasure, I must say, is expensive, but the impressions from it are unforgettable.

Vacationers in Dombay have the opportunity to compare its ski slopes with the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana, flying back and forth by helicopter for one day.


Not so long ago, a new ski lift complex was built in Dombai, but the old line of chair lifts was not closed either. So there were fewer queues, and the pleasure of riding at least tripled.

The new complex consists of 3 stages - this is an 8-seat gondola "Dombay-1" with ski pockets, comfortable seats and automatically opened and closed doors, which overcomes almost 2 km in 6 minutes; 6-seater armchair "Dombay-2" and 4-seater "Dombay-3".

Pay attention to the opening hours, they vary: Dombay-1 is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, on weekends from 8:30 to 17:30, Dombay-2 closes half an hour earlier, and "Dombay-3" is open all week from 09:30 to 16:00.

Maps of Dombay

Ski passes

You can buy a ticket for the new complex only for a gondola (400/250 RUB adults / children 6-12 years old), for a gondola plus a chair (700/500 RUB), or for all 3 lifts (900/550 RUB), which will take you to the top. There are also ski passes for 1 day - 1400/850 RUB, 2 days - 2540/1500 RUB, 5 days - 5850/3500 RUB and others.

At the old complex, the cost of one lift on a chairlift is 150/75 RUB, on a pendulum road 200 RUB (300 RUB for sightseers without skis), a ski pass for a day for a network of ski lifts will cost about 500 RUB.

What to bring

Most (and the best) part of the souvenirs in Dombay is edible - it is fragrant honey, jam from young spruce cones to strengthen immunity, goat cheese, mountain tea, Praskoveisk wine or first-class mineral water.

Of course, a standard set of gifts is sold everywhere: magnets, plates, figurines of bison and deer. There are also expensive unique gifts, for example, Kabardian daggers with carved handles of amazingly fine workmanship, as well as sheep wool products - socks (from 150 RUB), sweaters (from 400 RUB), hats, shawls. There are also sheepskin coats, quite high quality, but expensive. The largest selection is in the market, which is in the center of the village, and upstairs near the ski lifts.

Cafes and restaurants Dombay

It is not surprising, given the size of the village, but more than 20 cafes and restaurants are open in Dombai, some of them are right on the slopes, so you can easily refresh yourself without going far from the slopes. Moreover, they say that the most budget options for lunch and breakfast will be on the mountain (except, of course, home meals in rented apartments). The cuisine is mostly Caucasian, that is, manti, kebabs, all kinds of cheese pies, chakhokhbili and similar yummy are really everywhere. If you want to dine exquisitely, it is better to pay attention to one of the restaurants at the hotels and order trout - it is good here. You can eat inexpensively with the famous hychins - pies with potato, cheese and other fillings. On average, the cost of lunch depends on appetite - from 300 to 800 RUB.

Young skiers, as you know, are hot and addicted people, so in the morning after a hard night, do not hesitate to ask for a susab in the cafe - an “anti-alcohol” drink made from ayran and mineral water, which removes all the consequences.

The best photos of Dombay

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Silver River in Dombay, Karachay-Cherkessia, Caucasus (about 3.5 hours one way). Is it worth it to go in and bow to the climbers who found peace in the mountains of Dombai, whose cemetery is located halfway to the Alibek alpine camp, about 1 km from the center of the resort. A touching wooden plaque greets guests with the words of Vysotsky: “There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons, And it doesn’t look like a monument, That stone That gave you peace ...”

Of course, it is worth climbing the main peak of Dombai Moussa-Achitara. Most of the skiers will end up there one way or another, but everyone who does not risk skiing down from its heights should at least once be on this peak and admire the views of the surroundings.

A little further from the village - expanse in terms of excursions of a natural nature. In the village of Teberda there is a visitor center of the famous Teberdinsky reserve, as well as a small museum and a zoo attached to it. The routes are interesting even in winter, despite the snow there is something to see here. About 10 kilometers from Teberda along the highway towards Essentuki stands the Sentinsky temple of the first half of the 10th century - an amazing place in terms of beauty and spirituality. It is also worth visiting the Narzan springs in the Jamagat Gorge, where the easiest way to get is by jeep with a guide.

Entertainment in Dombai is undemanding: bowling, billiards or a couple of discos at hotels, as well as a sauna in the building of the pendulum cable car. In the evenings, the best places to relax are cafes and restaurants. During daylight hours - sledding, skating, snowmobiling, quad biking and similar snow activities.

4 things to do in Dombai

  1. Buy home warm and cozy socks made of sheep's wool - an authentic hand-made of local grandmothers.
  2. Climb to the hotel "Plate", which is on the slope of Mount Mussa-Achitara. Using your phone and a couple of special effects, take a selfie in the style of "I was stolen by a UFO."
  3. To honor the memory of climbers who died in the Caucasus Mountains, whose cemetery is located near Dombay.
  4. Spend an hour or two in the Glade of parties: sunbathing, sipping mulled wine, enjoying the colorful ski crowd around and unreal views of the Caucasus Mountains.
  5. br


    The local climate is temperate continental, mild and favorable, with many sunny days and exceptional air purity. An important plus of the resort is the abundance of ultraviolet radiation, which allows you to sunbathe and ski at the same time (so do not forget sunglasses or a mask).

Dombay in the summer is tourist routes, horseback riding, the opportunity to enjoy the virgin nature, untouched by man, the beauty of the majestic mountains. The village is located at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains.

This resort is better known as a winter holiday when you can go skiing. Especially popular with skiers and snowboarders. However, rest during this period is 3 times more expensive.

It is better to get here through Nevinnomyssk, from where gazelles regularly go to Dombai. Can be reached in 4.5 hours. It is advisable to stay at the resort for at least 5-7 days to see natural attractions, ride a cable car to the top of Moussa-Achitara (3200 m), admiring the snow-capped mountain peaks.

Visiting Dombai in summer, you can see beautiful waterfalls, fast rivers, beautiful gorges and mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow, a variety of herbs, shrubs, trees. You can start traveling as early as May, although in some places there is a lot of snow until June, for example, on the Alibek pass. And below everything is buried in lush greenery. It is warm here in summer, although it can be quite chilly in the morning and evening hours. It is better to stock up on a sweater, windbreaker, going on vacation. And in summer the prices for accommodation in hotels are reduced.

Dombai is located near the state border. To see the local beauties: gorges, waterfalls, lakes, mountains, you need a pass, which must be ordered.

Outdoor enthusiasts can choose any of the sightseeing routes to recharge their batteries, improve the body and get a lot of positive emotions. The most favorable months for both tourists and climbers are July and August.

The nature of the region is unique and inimitable: many springs, lakes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, forests. Noteworthy is the Teberdinsky Reserve, listed by UNESCO, in the center of which Dombay is located, which translates as "bison". The reserve is inhabited by bison (crossbreed), which can be fed directly from the hands, as the animals are not afraid of people. Going to the village through the reserve, you can see relief drops, the height of which ranges from 1600 to 4000 meters. Near the reserve there is Lake Karakul, which is formed by many springs that gush directly from the ground. The water is fresh, clean and cool. You can swim if you wish, as the water is also healing.

When going to the Dombai resort, it is better to stock up on comfortable shoes: sneakers, rubber-soled sneakers with spikes so that they do not slip while hiking on a steep mountain surface. The air is unusually fresh, as the resort is surrounded by pine forests and mountains. Especially useful for those who suffer from pulmonary diseases.

Having ordered any excursion, you can visit local natural attractions by car, or if you wish, walk to them. Special physical training is not required.

A trip to the Alibek gorge deserves special attention, where it is better to go with a guide. The route includes Turye lake, Alibek glacier, many waterfalls on the way. The road goes through a coniferous forest, the height of the trees reaches up to 50 meters. Alibek is the largest glacier in the Caucasus. You have to overcome steep ascents and climbs during the hike, which will take about 5-6 hours. There is also a lake of gems - Lake Turye. You have to walk up to 12 km, but it's worth it. Alibek waterfall is the largest in Dombai.

Baduk lakes are rightfully considered the pearl of the Dombay resort. These are 3 mountain lakes, which are located above sea level at an altitude of up to 2000 meters. The tour is about 5 hours round trip. This route is one of the most difficult, as the height difference is 600 meters from the start of the movement to the highest point. Picturesque mountain beauty is amazing. In summer, the water in them can warm up to 20C. The water in the lakes has both rejuvenating and healing properties, thanks to melt water, which is saturated with phytoncides. That is why places for recreation and picnics were equipped here. There are beaches, as swimming in mountain lakes is included in the excursion program.


There is also a deltadrome here, so there is a unique opportunity to fly on hang gliders, enjoying mountain landscapes and ridges. In the spring, the flight season opens.

You can admire the beauties of landscapes: coniferous forests, alpine meadows, mountain peaks, gorges, waterfalls from specially equipped sites for tourists. Particularly attractive are Ine peak, Dzhuguturluchat massif, Sulakhat ridge and many others.

Rest in Dombay in the summer will turn out to be unusually interesting, informative, exciting, sports, and useful. A surge of vital energy and a charge of positive emotions is guaranteed.

Welcome to Dombai!

Dombai- these are picturesque mountains, the purest, one might say, delicious air, beauty and movement. Dombay is more than a skiing and mountaineering resort, it is a place for everyone who loves outdoor activities, is looking for unforgettable, vivid impressions, and is committed to recovery. Dombai is suitable for year-round recreation, because there is always something to do and see - in winter, spring, summer, autumn.
Elena Sebyakina experienced the incredible attraction of these places. How else to call the fact that she came here with her family many times over several years? The charm of Dombay.

When talking about Dombai, I want to write only enthusiastic epithets, everything is so beautiful and breathtaking there. Maybe I just love mountains... Yes, I'm not a skier or climber, but just relaxing on Dombay, walking, climbing higher and looking down - isn't that great?

You can get to Dombay along the M4 "Don" highway - go to Rostov-on-Don and after it - near Pavlovskaya - go to Tikhoretsk and Kropotkin. Another way is to leave Rostov for Stavropol. In both cases the road is good and the distances are the same - 1600 km.

While you are traveling in Russia (regions - Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Rostov. - Approx. ed.) There are no problems. When arriving in Karachay-Cherkessia, I strongly advise you to follow the rules, local traffic cops “love” visitors, they don’t commit atrocities, but what is possible for locals is in no way impossible for visitors.
Karachay-Cherkessia is a friendly republic, we have never had any problems with communication or anything else. We usually quickly drive through Nevinnomyssk, Cherkessk, and Karachaevsk, although the cities are very colorful. But on one of the trips to Dombay, we still visited all these towns. There is something to see. But about them some other time.

We always stop in the valley of the Teberda River, not far from the village of Dombai. Relic pine forests grow there. People from all over the country come here to treat asthma and lung diseases. The air is amazingly delicious. Pleasure is just to breathe. Due to the salubrity of the local climate, there are numerous sanatoriums and dispensaries in the vicinity of the village. Therefore, Dombay is not just a ski vacation, outdoor recreation, Dombay is a treatment, recovery.
The road to the village is good, one lane in each direction, there are very few cars, and every year it is necessarily repaired and restored.
The village of Dombay is located at the confluence of three mountain rivers - Amanauz, Alibek and Dombay-Ulgen. The rivers are incredibly beautiful. Here you can already feel the breath of the mountains. Snowy peaks are already visible, because the resort is located at an altitude of 1,650 meters in the intermountain basin of the Main Caucasian Range.
We were in the village in summer, winter and spring. For me, it is best there in the summer, but each season has its own charm of Dombay.

Rest in Dombay in the summer has several advantages. One of them is the opportunity to choose the best hotel in terms of location and price category. We lived in a hotel that cost a little more than 10,000 rubles in winter, but in summer it was only 2,000. The room is of extraordinary size, with a huge entrance hall, and this is understandable why. You can find rooms for a thousand, they say, there are just beds.
We ate at the restaurant at the hotel. Local chefs are very fond of unusual recipes (there I ate fried ice cream for the first time), but very tasty and quite inexpensive. Dinner with alcohol, meat and dessert for two cost us about one and a half thousand rubles.
The price of lifting on the cable car in booths for one line is 400 rubles, for all three - 900 rubles. The cost on other roads fluctuates in the same range.
In summer, the weather changes at the speed of light. You can go out in the morning, and it’s drizzling outside, you get to the lift, the sun is already shining, then hail begins, fog descends ...
In the summer, only 4 lines of the lift work, the fifth did not work, the sixth was built, but we climbed the last two lines on foot. I can say that the extreme is still the same, not because it is cool, but simply there is not enough air and it is very, very difficult for an unprepared person. At the top of Mount Mussa-Achitara (altitude over 3,000 meters) there is a chair that someone carefully brought, sitting on it, you feel like the lord of the mountains.

In winter, we went on New Year's holidays right after the holiday. It came out spontaneously. They say that rooms have been booked here since the summer, and that it’s just not possible to find them ... We were convinced of this ourselves ... We were looking for a room for 5 hours. Found in a hotel on the outskirts for a fabulous 8,000 rubles. The room was double, but we were allowed to live in four, they gave one cot. For so much money for a long time, we did not agree at all, so we spent the night there only 2 nights and left. Moreover, before our arrival it was snowing, it fell unusually much, in the parking lots the cars were littered above the roofs. Winter charm of Dombai... But all the roads were cleared both during the snowfall and right after it.
The lifts did not work for a day, and crowds of people who had nothing to do staggered around the village. And the next day there were extraordinary queues to get up. We made a short hike around the surroundings, got a lot of positive emotions, rolled in the snow and, upon returning, drank extraordinarily tasty mountain tea with thyme.
I strongly advise you to drink tea not in a cafe, but on the street, on the main square, from a samovar. They give it out there for free, but that doesn't make it any worse. This place has the best tea.

In the spring we arrived in Dombai for May holidays, the village was half empty. There is still a lot of snow at the top at this time, and this must be taken into account. We arrived already in summer shoes and couldn’t walk there, snow filled our sneakers, melted, our feet were cold. The skiers' season was not over yet, they were skiing.
On the cable car, we climbed in the spring only in cabins and the second chair lift. Above it is very cold. In addition to cable car trips to the mountains, Dombay has a lot of attractions: mountain rivers, gorges, lakes, glaciers. It is worth going to the cemetery of climbers, honoring the memory and simply being surprised by the courage of these people. It is necessary to pay attention to the plants growing there, for example, an unusual black tulip grows and blooms there.
It is simply impossible to list everything and tell about Dombai and rest there. I can say for sure - you need to go there, and look, and absorb everything like a sponge ... the places are simply extraordinary!

And now the photographs of Dombai taken by Elena Sebyakina at different times of the year - in winter, spring, summer, and perfectly illustrating her story.

Rest in Dombai in winter

Rest in Dombay in the spring

Holidays in Dombay in the summer

Elena Sebyakina,
Moscow city

P.S. After reading Elena's article, I could not help but be fascinated by Dombay. Naturally, I immediately thought about the distance to here (frankly, it’s quite feasible), the price of the issue, etc. I decided to find out about the hotel - where exactly did our respected author stay in Dombai, and in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village as a whole it is better to choose housing (hotel). Elena's response was:
“We lived in Orion, Golden Mustang and Chalet. For me, the very center of the village, near Sberbank, is better, it’s close to the cable cars, and there is a place for a car, and there is no noise and fuss in the evening.”
And what would you like, dear readers, to know from Elena about Dombai?